Lukas Bach
I am a software engineer focused on frontend development. I primarily work with TypeScript and React, and am interested in accessibility, infrastructure and architecture. Currently, I am working at GoTo in Karlsruhe.
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Featured Projects
React Complex Tree
Unopinionated Accessible Tree Component with Multi-Select and Drag-And-Drop
Powerful note-taking app with nested documents, full-text search, rich-text editor, code snippet editor and more
Monaco Editor Auto Typings
Automatically load declaration files while typing in monaco editor instances
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Recent Blog Posts
A more streamlined development workflow for Obsidian plugins
I recently started to play around with Obsidian as note taking app, and am a very big fan of the large availability of community plugins and the open architecture that really allows lots of customiza…
April 28, 2023
6 minutes
TypeScript: The many types of nothing
Almost all programming languages have a special value that can be used to denote that a variable is uninitialized, not yet defined or was set in the context of a corner case. Perl calls it undef, Pyt…
March 30, 2023
8 minutes
TypeScript: Properly filtering arrays for non-null values
If you have used JavaScript and array operations for a while, there is a good chance you wanted to filter an array for non-null values. And if you are using TypeScript, there is a chance you ended up…
January 13, 2023
2 minutes
More Blog Articles
University Course Recaps
Recaps for various courses at Karlsruhe Institut of Technology for the computer science degree. Partially in english and german.
July 07, 2019
Basic Notions of Computer Science - Tutorial Slides
Slides for the lecture "Basic Notions of Computer Science" for which I held a tutorial during my third semester.
February 01, 2017
Code Versioning with Git
A presentation with seminar paper about code versioning with git, written in a school project.
January 01, 2014