ires (Image resizer) is a commandline tool, which can be used to resize arbitrary quantities of images into arbitrary quantities of target image sizes.
node.js and npm are required for the tool to run.
To install globally , run
npm install -g ires
Then, use the commandline tool ires to process arbitrary quantities of images into differently sized image files.
ires -i input.png --sizes 16 32 64
Will create the files
With the respective sizes.
-i, --input filenames...
will use the given paths to files as input files, which will be processed. The image files are separated by spaces.
Example: --input file1.png file2.png file3.png
--sizes sizes...
will use the given image sizes as output image sizes. The sizes are separated by spaces and are either an integer, describing both width and height for a square image, or have the format wxh, where w is the width in pixels and h is the height in pixels.
Example: --sizes 16 32 48x64
-o, --outname outname
is the name of the output files. Several placeholders can be used to differentiate the files:
ires -i a.png b.png --sizes 10x15 20x25 -o {filename}-{extension}.{fileindex}.{sizeindex}-{width}x{height}
Will render the files: